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Award-winning coach, author and speaker chosen as keynote speaker by Nat West

Award-winning coach, author and personal empowerment specialist Taz Thornton has been invited by banking giant Nat West to be a keynote speaker.

Taz, known particularly for her work empowering business women and business coaches as well as for best selling books ‘Unleash Your Awesome’ and ‘Whispers From The Earth’ will be talking to staff about various topics including success, wellbeing and empowerment.

“It’s fantastic and humbling to be asked to talk to large groups of people and offer some support and insight to people in the corporate world – which used to be my world. I’d like to thank Nat West once again for the opportunity,” Taz said.

Nat West is the largest business and commercial bank in the UK which serves around 12.5 million customers, including about one in four businesses. According to the latest available figures it employs almost 60,000 people. 

Taz, who lives in Lincolnshire with her wife Asha is a regular commentator and columnist on business, mental wellbeing, women in business and LGTBQ+ inclusivity. She’s been an inspirational speaker for brands in the UK and overseas including Ignite, Beachbody, the Marketing Business Summit and Sicilia Convention & Visitor Bureau. Earlier this year she was named ed the UK’s Personal Empowerment Specialist Of The Year in the 2021 Innovation and Excellence Awards and the Female Business Professional of the Year for Central England last year.  

In October 2021, Taz is running a three day speaker training event, The Heart of Speaking, which is sold out and she’s launched her 2022 to 2023 empowerment course, The Big One, which will run from April next year. Places are limited. For more information visit www.tazthornton.com

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