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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To business

Back To Work and Staying Safe

At Rombourne, the safety of our clients and our team are the number one priority. So, while most of our clients have been working from home and away from our premises, we have been taking the opportunity to ensure we can implement plans that enable social distancing.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s announcement that people who are unable to work from home should consider a return to work, is likely to lead to more clients basing themselves once again from their Rombourne offices.

Our measures to keep people safe vary between our buildings in Bristol, Cardiff, Newport and Swindon, as they are configured differently. However, here are some of the changes we have introduced:

  • New signage reminding people about handwashing
  • Guidance on how many can be in the communal areas at any one time
  • One way systems
  • Hand sanitisers in communal areas
  • Increasing the cleaning regime in the premises.

The ‘new’ normal will take some getting used to, but we are confident that we can all work together to make sure Rombourne is a safe place for those returning to work.

We are also encouraging our clients to put plans in place to ensure their team members are kept safe while at work within their Rombourne office suites. Measures they might consider include:

  • Staggering working days, to reduce the number of people in the office at the same time
  • Enabling working from home to continue
  • Using video conferencing facilities so teams can keep in touch
  • Encouraging hand washing, and providing hand sanitisers
  • Ensuring employees maintain social distancing and do not work in proximity closer than 2 metres.

By following these guidelines, any risks of catching or spreading COVID-19 will be greatly reduced and together we will gradually get back to a different, ‘new’ normal.

And of course, we are still taking enquiries from businesses which are looking to relocate to the superior serviced offices that Rombourne offers. For more information about our office suites, which can accommodate any size of business, please get in touch.

Rombourne Serviced Offices

Rombourne Serviced Offices

Rombourne offer serviced offices in the City Centre, Westbury-on Trym and also on the Aztec West business park in Bristol.

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