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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To business

Let's Celebrate Local!

By Cindy Percival who is the director of My Organic Clean, an eco cleaning company based in Bristol.

How are you feeling about your business?  

I’m feeling really positive, I have had a great response to opening up and taking bookings and really looking forward to responding to our customers' requirements. 

How are you feeling about business in general? 

I am so optimistic about my business. We have had a re brand, a new website and already lots of new customers so I am really looking forward to welcoming lots more eco minded people! 

Tell us how you now apply this phrase to your business and/or life ‘buy local supply local’. 

I’ve tried to support locally for a few years now but especially recently as I’ve seen how a pandemic can really hit small businesses.  Since starting a new business I’ve realised this more than ever. 

What has changed for you positively as a result of lockdown? 

So many things!! Family time is so important, it’s always been a priority but lockdown has really helped to reinforce that and also allowed me the time to reflect on my business and change it to spend more time with my family. 

Tell us what, for you, makes a ‘good’ local business.  

I think by being reliable, kind, friendly and caring. I’d like to keep my business at a size where I can know all of my customers and understand their needs. I also try and to go beyond what is expected - I love being able to add touches to a clean that goes beyond my customers' expectations. 

Can you name a local business which you support around food & drink? 

Well, we are trying to ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ during August and do a little tour of Chipping Sodbury! We went to the Squire last week and it was delicious. 


Can you name one person in your life who has really helped you during this time? 

My husband and his friend - they have built me a website, re branded and done lots of marketing!! 

What are your business plans for Q4? 

Just to continue as we are, helping our customers and meeting lots of new ones!!

Find out more by visiting their website, www.myorganicclean.co.uk

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