Let's Celebrate Local!
Let's Celebrate Local!
How are you feeling about your business?
August is typically a quieter month for us and the accountancy profession generally, so I’ve used some of the time planning for the next 12-18 months. I’m hopeful that the latter part of September will have a genuine “back to school” feel, bringing with it the usual energy and activity and gearing up again for the rest of the year.
How are you feeling about business in general?
The last six months have shown how important it is to think about resilience and adaptability and to strike a balance between having clear processes and being sufficiently flexible to cope with change. We don’t yet know what the long-term effects will be to the economy in the UK and globally and so there will no doubt be further need to adapt and change our approach.
Tell us how you now apply this phrase to your business and/or life ‘buy local supply local’.
1. Personally, I source as much food as possible from local farms via farm shops, doorstep delivery and direct from the farmers.
2. As a business, we already work with a number of local, owner-managed businesses as our suppliers – from marketing and social media support, website design and maintenance and IT support, to restocking the water cooler and our business event catering and hospitality.
3. For other goods fsuch as wine and gifts, where we can, we buy through local shops.
What has changed for you positively as a result of lockdown?
Less time in the car or travelling on public transport and more time in the fresh air.
What makes a good local business?
Responsiveness and flexibility as well as reliability.
Can you name a local business which you support around food & drink?
Chew Valley Dairy - https://www.chewvalleydairy.co.uk
Can you name a local independent business which you support around clothing or accessories?
The Berry Barn, Farringon Gurney - http://www.berry-barn.co.uk
Can you name a local business which you support around health, wellbeing or fitness?
Curious Fitness, Paulton - https://curiousgym.com
Can you shout out to any local suppliers you wish to celebrate?
TheAnswer Ltd - https://www.theanswer.ltd
Sandman Ventures Ltd.
Inside Space.
Can you shout out to any local suppliers you wish to celebrate?
Sales Academy 2020.
The Wine Shop, Winscombe - https://thewinetastingco.com
Nebula IT - https://nebulait.co.uk
Can you name someone who has really helped you during this time?
Samantha Hayward, my business partner who has worked tirelessly to grow the pensions side of our business during an unprecedentedly busy time.
Can you name on person in your life who has really helped you during this time?
Tricky as so many people have been helpful and supportive, but I’d have to say my son, Roberto, who has been the voice of reason and calm throughout this madness, the default response to most of my voiced concerns being “don’t worry, it’s all good”.
What are your business plans for Q4?
We are looking at recruiting an additional member of staff on a flexible basis to assist with some larger projects and also bringing in one of our casual workers on a permanent contract.
For more information visit https://www.sestiniandco.com