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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To business

Looking forward to Christmas!

By Alex Wellings, commercial & operations director of Bristol-based IT provider soVisionIT which offers managed IT, software development and digital marketing services.

What does Christmas 2020 mean for you in your business? 

Everyone loves Christmas, however Christmas 2020 may bring some additional challenges in an uncertain time. The potential of local lockdowns, staff working remotely, and changing customer requirements means that this festive season will be like no other we’ve experienced as a business. 

I suspect many business owners will feel the same. As a front line business, staff will still be in our offices over the Christmas period, so we will make sure that the tree and decorations are up to make sure the magic doesn’t get lost entirely!

In your business when do you start planning for Christmas?

October is the time for getting prepared.  Delivering IT support services over the Christmas period requires a great deal of forward planning, and this starts at this time of year every year without fail - we've been in business for more than 25 years. 

As a business, we actually have a process to ensure that service delivery continues to meet demand over the Christmas period as many of our customers continue to operate 24/7. 

Carefully planning staff holiday, suitable telephone coverage and office opening times are key to maintaining availability of service.

Will your business be operating differently during Quarter 4? 

The change in Government advice at the end of September regarding working from home has required some changes to normal business operations. 

As many people as possible within the business are once again working from home, whilst ensuring key teams are continuing to attend office premises to maintain continuity of service.

Have you faced some challenges which have changed things for you? 

Ensuring that all office premises are COVID Secure and returning all staff to offices safely has certainly been a challenge from an operations point of view. 

One way systems, hand sanitisers and using the company sign in system from a mobile phone based application instead of the sign in station (to name a few) have all required adjustment. 

Despite the adjustments to day to day office life, all staff have remained positive, upbeat and focussed on continuing to deliver a great service – there really hasn’t been any negativity at all which has been uplifting for everyone.

How are you feeling generally about business in your community at this time? 

It goes without saying that 2020 hasn’t been the year that was expected, and I think that is something everyone can relate to. COVID-19 has altered the buying habits of our customers quite significantly, where spend on technology is usually planned and budgeted, it appears that most purchases have been far more reactive to an immediate issue which requires resolution. 

Positivity is key within the business community, and I am hopeful that Q1 2021 will see a return to customers investing in technology for the future.

Anything else you’d like to say? 

It’s always darkest before the dawn so keep plugging!

For more information visit https://www.sovisionit.com 

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