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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To business

Looking Forward To Christmas!

By Ramiraze James who has recently gradated from University and hoping to start a career within an architectural firm. He's also the founder of South West Property Designs which aims to give property developers from the South West of England a platform to promote their renovations on buildings that property developers have completed.

What does Christmas 2020 mean for you? 

Since I am trying to grow a following on Instagram, Christmas does not affect my business in a negative way because my South West Property Designs can still be accessed 24 hours a day.

Or are you a business owner who thinks more of ‘autumn/winter’ rather than Christmas? 

No I am not, renovations on buildings happen all year around, which is why at all times I am aim to post at least once day to showcase property designs in the South West. The weather may make a change to renovation time scales though! 

At this stage of my business my main goal is to keep uploading every day through each month to grow a larger following.

Have you faced any challenges, personal or professional? 

As a I am still looking for the right architecture firm to join I currently do not have an income, so growing a following has been through organic activity.

This means that my following is not growing as fast as it would if I was paying for adverts on Instagram. Once I start my career I am going to invest so South West Property Designs page hopefully grows at a quicker rate.

How are you feeling generally about business in your community at this time? 

I am happy with the way my business is going so far and the direction that it is going in.

For more information visit https://www.instagram.com/southwestpropertydesigns/

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