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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To business

New Premium Back to Business Hub

Our partner Ellis Whittam has launched a Premium Back to Business hub to help you ensure that you are compliant from both an Employment Law and Health & Safety perspective demonstrating our combined commitment to supporting businesses during this unsettling time. It includes a full COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy template, a COVID-19 Health & Safety Back to Business workbook and a COVID-19 Employment Law pack.

To sign up, click here. You will need to register to get access. Please choose “Towergate Risk Management” as the partner you are a member of.

At the end of May, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a number of changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), including the flexibility to bring back furloughed staff part-time from July.

On 12 June 2020, the Government then released further details of these changes, including how to check if you can claim your employee’s wages through the CJRS and how to check which employees you can put on furlough.

From 1 July 2020, you can bring employees back to work for any amount of time and on any shift pattern whilst still being able to claim the CJRS grant for the hours not worked. You will need to pay for any hours the employee does work.

Further guidance

To support you with what these new changes mean and how they could affect your business, our Health & Safety and Employment Law partner Ellis Whittam has produced flexible furlough guidance that answers the key questions about the changes. It covers:

  • Minimum furlough periods
  • Length of the claim period
  • Agreement to flexible furlough
  • Flexible furlough claims process
  • Claim examples

They also hosted a “Furlough Explained” webinar on 16 June which can be viewed in their Coronavirus Advice Hub.

This hub is completely free to use and is regularly updated, so please register and start using it today. Choose Towergate Risk Management as the Ellis Whittam partner that you’re a member of.

For more information visit Towergate Insurance's website HERE!

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Towergate Insurance Brokers

As one of the UK’s largest independent insurance brokers, Towergate has over 50 offices across the UK, including Bristol

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