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Six Ways To Make Working From Home Festive During The Pandemic

Christmas will be a little different this year in our serviced offices. While our teams are busy making our venues look festive, we’re very aware that many people are still working from home and will continue to do so into the New Year.

So, at Rombourne, we’ve been coming up with some ideas on how to get into the festive spirit even if many of us can’t get into the office to share a mince pie with our colleagues.

1. Decorate you workstation

Hopefully by now, those working from home will have managed to create a dedicated working area, whether that is a separate office, corner of the bedroom, or end of the dining room table.

Make it look as festive as you can, with some tinsel around your screen, a few small Christmas decorations and maybe even a Christmas tree.

If you use a virtual background – as many of us do, who use video conferencing such as Zoom or Teams – create one with a Christmassy theme. It is bound to bring a festive touch to online meetings.

2. Organise virtual Christmas events with your colleagues

These could provide a good alternative to the Christmas office party. Make them as festive and interactive as possible. You could try:

  • Making mince pies together
  • Cocktail tasting
  • A wine and cheese night
  • Singing Christmas carols
  • A Christmas quiz…

… anything that will help bring some sparkle to a social, Christmassy event, and at the same time promote a great team atmosphere.

3. Post out Christmas gifts and have a joint opening online

It’s always great to share at Christmas, and opening gifts together works really well online. The gifts needn’t be extravagant. Remember, at Christmas more than any other time, it’s the thought that counts!

4. How about organising an online scavenger hunt?

If you’re not sure how this works, it’s simple, and something you could do while having a coffee break with colleagues.

Create a list of things to find, such as a favourite Christmas film, or best ever Christmas present. Everyone spends a few minutes writing them down or – better still – actually finding the item, then you share them all in a chat afterwards. It’s a great way to remember Christmases in happier times and to learn a little more about your colleagues.

5. Remember the mixed tape?

Well, bring that forward to the 21st Century version, and create a festive playlist on a streaming platform, like Spotify. Then you can play this quietly in the background while you work. Maybe crank up the volume for a dance around the Christmas tree in a coffee break – the exercise and endorphins will give your mood a real boost.

6. Finally, how about running a virtual Secret Santa?

Everyone has a small budget to stick to and buys one present for one person – but the recipient doesn’t know who their Secret Santa is. You’ll have to make it a bit cloak and dagger, so to keep the secrecy just email or send in a message the name of the colleague each person has to buy a gift for.

You can open them online at the same time. And don’t forget to dress up and put on the sparkles. After all, Coronavirus or not, it is Christmas.

We really hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and if you are thinking of relocating your offices either now or in 2021, and would like to see what Rombourne has to offer, please do get in touch with the team. We have superb serviced offices in Bristol, Cardiff, Newport and Swindon and would love to show you around.

Rombourne Serviced Offices

Rombourne Serviced Offices

Rombourne offer serviced offices in the City Centre, Westbury-on Trym and also on the Aztec West business park in Bristol.

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