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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To business

Tips for Success in 2021!

By Amanda White who is the founder and owner of Gift Frippery, a gift wrapping business. Amanda offers workshops, demonstrations and a bespoke gift wrapping service to individuals and businesses.

What are your top marketing/PR tips for 2021? 

1. Regardless of the lockdown situation, keep showing up regularly on social media.
2. Give some tips and ideas away, be generous.
3. Find a networking group you love and where you’ll find your support.

Who are the top business buddies in your corner as you go into 2021?

 Anupreet Attridge, Stephanie Sidney and Michelle Armitage are all people who I can sit and chat with, bounce ideas around and we can also be very honest with each other. In business we all need that kind of support. 

What are your ethics for 2021?

  • Helping to safeguard society regarding COVID-19 , by following guidelines even though it may be making an unpopular choice.
  • Being as open minded to other people’s situations even if I have no experience of it.
  • Being as environmentally friendly as possible.

What attributes you are looking for in staff/suppliers in 2021?

  • Honesty.
  • A fair and prompt service or responses. 
  • Eco friendly suppliers and I to try to champion them.

What is your take on the word ‘free’ in business?

Sometimes something is free but often something is expected of you. 

Sometimes it’s your choice to give back and support in return. 

Be clear on the expectation.

What will you be investing in this year? 

After a bleak year financially, I’m investing in myself. 

I’m going to create some fun and practical training for others wishing to set up a gift wrapping service. 

I want to do this in person so it may take a while to launch.

What are you doing for charity or community this year?

Each of the last three years I’ve set up The Present Project. I collected donations of new socks, then gloves and then mini toiletries. These were all gift wrapped and given to homeless people on the streets of Bristol. I gave them out personally and sat on the pavement and had a chat with each of the people who received them. I like the idea of continuing this.

What are your ‘absolute no-nos’ for 2021 in business? 

One key thing for me is that I need to remember my worth. 

Gift wrapping might be light hearted but it takes my time, energy and creative mind to turn out gifts that look too good to open.

This year, I would walk away from anyone who expected something for nothing ( I like to choose myself if I’m doing that!).

If I’m buying then I want eco friendly services or I’ll look elsewhere.

The business is based in Bristol. You can find her at https://giftfrippery.co.uk

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