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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To business

Welcoming MixmlHosting & Partners to Rombourne!

MixmlHosting & Partners Limited offers server hosting across the globe and in multiple sectors from business coffee shop web hosting to virtual instance hosting and much more.

I was 14 when I first came up with the idea of the business and I certainly didn’t think I’d get to the scale we are currently at, serving thousands of clients across the globe. Two- and a-bit years later we’ve managed to have our own office at Rombourne and hope to keep expanding with them for the foreseeable future.

Tell us about MixmlHosting & Partners…

We founded our business on the core values of treating customers as the top priority, something we found was lacking in the hosting industry. We therefore knew we could fill a gap. I founded MixmlHosting on the 24 April 2019 while I was still in school believe it or not.  I knew it was what I wanted to do so I put an incredible amount of effort and sacrifices into it and luckily, we’ve made it to where we are today, serving clients in 6 continents and in over 39 countries. We still hold our core values of treating our clients with the utmost respect which is why we are rated 5 star on Trustpilot.

Hi Harry! Why did you decide to base your office at Kingston House, Swindon?

Hosting is a 24/7 industry with clients in many time zones making it essential to have access to our office no matter the time of day, luckily Rombourne offered 24/7 access. This made it much easier for us, along with the additional benefit that London’s only a short train away and it makes the benefits massive.

Why did you choose Rombourne as your serviced office provider?

As soon as we came to look at the office space at Kingston House, we were greeted by the nicest receptionists we’ve ever met. They were very welcoming and professional. We were really impressed with the high finishes of the centre and the office itself. We knew then that if we were going to get an office in Swindon, it would have to be at Rombourne.

What type of office space did you require?

We initially only required a small office which we chose on the newly refurbished second floor. However, we quickly out-grew that and fortunately the Rombourne team were able to offer us a solution. We moved into a substantial larger office on the ground floor which suited our needs to build servers and ship them out much better. This solution also allowed us to plan for team growth.

How did you find out about Rombourne?

We were initially just scouring the area for offices and just happened to luckily find Rombourne’s Kingston House.

What were your main requirements when looking for a new office?

Being a business that relies on the internet a fast connection to it was key, Rombourne offered much quicker connections than we’d seen elsewhere so it was a brilliant fit, and the fact that we could come and go as needed was brilliant.

How does Rombourne meet the needs of your business?

Rombourne is incredibly flexible allowing us to upgrade to a bigger office as time requires meaning it’s never a big move but just an elevator away to a potential new office and they even got us moved in and up and running the same day which was absolutely unbelievable.

What is your favourite thing about your office?

One of the main benefits of course, is the increased productivity when working at an office, you find it’s much harder to get side-tracked, and the fact we will never miss an amazon delivery again with the receptionists always getting them for us!

Would you recommend Rombourne to other businesses? If so, tell us why!

Rombourne like ourselves have the customer as their main priority which is so important, and it really makes them amazing. I have been really happy with the support I have received from the team, and I would recommend Rombourne to everyone who is looking for new office space.

What essential(s) can’t you live without?

Our essential is definitely a cheeky McDonald’s order to the office! As a company, which is constantly on the internet we have an intense office setup. The office is filled with technology and VOIP Systems along with 4 screens per desk allowing us to quickly identify issues and fix them rapidly.

What advice would you give businesses when choosing a new office space?

Think about location, ease of access and what you need from the office space for your business to thrive. For me it was location, access, the atmosphere of the centre and the welcoming team that really sold it for me. The most important requirements we had was a serviced office that could scale up when we needed it, which is why Rombourne is such a great option and the constant positive atmosphere of the centre really makes our day.

What would be your number one office etiquette tip?

Be polite, get to know your neighbours, you never know you may be able to support each other or recommend business!

We provide superior serviced office space in Bristol, Cardiff, Newport and Swindon, so if you are thinking of relocating to and would like to see what Rombourne offers, please get in touch.

Rombourne Serviced Offices

Rombourne Serviced Offices

Rombourne offer serviced offices in the City Centre, Westbury-on Trym and also on the Aztec West business park in Bristol.

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