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Your Total Guide To business

Working From Home Tips

Nearly everyone will be working from home by now because of the Covid-19 outbreak, and some may struggle to get into the routine of getting work done while being in the comforts of your home. So here's a few tips to working from home...

1. Stick to your morning routine!

Stick to your normal morning routine by getting up around the same time as you normally would. Otherwise you will just keep wanting to hit that snooze button. Gives you time to wake up a bit before getting stuck into some work, have a tea or coffee, some breaky and Get ready to work.

2. Dress For Work

Staying at home in your pyjamas all day won't get you into the work mood and will just make you think you can doss around all day and just do what you need to. By getting dressed into maybe a little more dressed down work attire it will have you in the work mindset.

3. Create a Workspace

Your house is now both your office and place where you go to wind down after a day of work. It would be wise to sepeate the two out though and create a space to work from with no distractions. This means not infront of the telly, not in bed but either in a spare room or on a dining room table. 

4. Learn to Focus 

Perhaps take up yoga or some sort of fitness to help you concentrate and focus and delete all that other negative energy from your surroundings. Like people are suffering with covid-19 anxiety at the moment, by doing some sort of calming exercise before you start work will have you in the work mindset.

5. Manage you time effectively 

If anything being in an office surrounded by people is distracting anyway! Your home is a distraction as well but with things you enjoy and like which is why people hardly work from home but at this moment in time we don't have the choice. Set yourself goals for each day and have a reward system for after work when you've completed tasks for the day.

6. Look after your physical health

There is a basic level of exercise you ay do at work that you probably won't do at all when working from home. Some of you may drive to work but walk into work, walk to your desk, walk around for things and to see people and then repeat that when leaving work. Maybe devise a few workout plans in your breaks or at the end of the day to make up for that lost exercise. 





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