Longleat Bat Cave (Leaderboard Ad)

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Bristol International Balloon Fiesta looks to 2021 event

Planning has begun for the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta 2021 edition, in line with the government roadmap out of lockdown.

As restrictions ease in the UK, it was good to see a number of test events taking place over the bank holiday weekend as part of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown, putting smiles on thousands of faces. This is something that we hope to be able to achieve in August.

We are carefully monitoring the guidance and regulations and planning to an event as closely aligned to the Fiesta and it’s values as possible. Inclusivity is at the forefront of our minds and so we will continue to develop our plans to ensure as many people as possible can enjoy our balloons safely.

As new research and guidance is completed, we are working on a variety of options for the event, in line with Step 4 of the government roadmap, to take place on or around the 12th-15th August 2021. Today we will be opening balloonist registration, trader applications and the opportunity for the public to register their interest in the event to be sent advance announcements of plans as they emerge.

Bristol International Balloon Fiesta is not just an iconic event for the city but also a vital chance for suppliers and traders to get back to work. We are passionate about supporting the local economy, normally generating £15 million for the city and region. We want to do everything we can to help the recovery of the ecosystem of businesses around the event and produce a show that is distinctly Bristol for our residents and visitors. We’re looking forward to putting Bristol on the global stage once again, and creating a spectacle in the skies this summer.

To register your interest in the Bristol International Balloon fiesta 2021:

VISITORS - if you want to visit us this year then please register your interest by visiting http://bristolballoonfiesta.co.uk/tickets/ to get the news and updates from us in advance of them being announced publicly.

TRADERS, CATERERS AND EXHIBITORS - if you are a trader, caterer or exhibitor who normally attends the Fiesta, please apply for a pitch at this year’s event by visiting http://bristolballoonfiesta.co.uk/get-involved/exhibitors-and-trading/ (we won’t take a penny until our plans are 100% confirmed)

SPONSORS AND PARTNERS - if you represent a brand that would like to sponsor and support this world renowned event and get yourself in front of our audience, please visit http://bristolballoonfiesta.co.uk/get-involved/sponsors-and-partnerships/

BALLOON PILOTS - if you are a Balloon Pilot and would like to attend, please sign up now. http://bristolballoonfiesta.co.uk/get-involved/pilot-balloon-registration/

Follow the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on @bristolballoon

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