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Flock to Westonbirt Arboretum, an alien has landed!

For the very first time in history, Forestry England has confirmed that an alien has crash landed into Westonbirt, The National Arboretum. Lu-La, from the Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon, which launched in UK cinemas in October, is an impish and adorable alien with amazing powers. She has been stranded in the arboretum and needs to charge her communicator so that she can get a message back home to call for rescue!

Forestry England’s Westonbirt Arboretum is inviting families from Monday 2 December to help Shaun the Sheep with his mission to get Lu-La home before a sinister organisation can capture her. 
The new free game is supported by Sport England using funding raised by National Lottery players and hopes to encourage around 500,000 visits from families getting active across 21 Forestry England sites countrywide. 
In a race against time, children helping Shaun the Sheep will need to search for UV puzzles along the self-led Glow Trail with a UV light pen-torch. 
Available at 21 Forestry England sites, children will need to solve the puzzles they find on the trail with the free Shaun the Sheep Farmageddon Glow Trail app or activity sheet to start charging the communicator. Mini challenges along the trail such as how many trees you can touch in 25 seconds and how many steps you can run on the spot in 20 seconds to escape the Hazmats will further charge the communicator and help Lu-La get home. 
Once all of the puzzles and challenges have been completed, the app will present an augmented reality hidden spaceship where families can have their picture taken.  
A Shaun the Sheep Farmageddon Glow Trail kit will be available to buy on site for £3.50 and includes a UV pen-torch, Shaun the Sheep ears, a clue sheet, an activity booklet, a sticker sheet and a pencil to make note of your answers! 
The new self-led trail which has been supported by Sport England is a fantastic way to get families active with lots of fun challenges to get you moving along the way. Baa-rilliant for children aged 6 – 12, families will love the challenge of helping Shaun to get Lu-La home and beat Agent Red and the Hazmats. 
Trudi Else, Strategic Lead, Sport England says: 
“We are delighted to be supporting Forestry England with the launch of the new Shaun the Sheep self-led Farmageddon Glow Trail. 

“Our major new investment programme aims to support families with children get active together and we feel that this project delivers exactly want families want and need. We know from our research that many families enjoy getting active in the forest because of the beauty, scenery and sense of freedom. 
“There are currently seven million children aged 5 to 15 in England and nearly 4 in 5 are not doing the recommended daily amount of exercise and we see the new Forestry England trails as a great way to start changing that.” 
Chloe Barraclough, Interactive Producer at Aardman says: 
“We are delighted to be partnering with Forestry England to further children’s enjoyment of the new Shaun the Sheep film, Farmageddon. 
“It will be fantastic to see the film come to life within the nation’s woodlands with the development of this augmented reality trail app.” 
“It has been a real joy to work with Forestry England and we are looking forward to sharing this enjoyment with families.” 
The clue hunt app is free from and will need to be downloaded before your visit. 
SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE: FARMAGEDDON was released in UK cinemas on October 18

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