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Found Footage Fest Announces Documentary On Strangest Footage Ever Found

Filmmakers Uncover Videotape Described As “Monty Python Meets Texas Chainsaw Massacre”

New York, NY – Aug. 12, 2020 – The Found Footage Festival, the acclaimed touring showcase of odd and hilarious found videos, has announced a new documentary called A Life On The Farm, which seeks to uncover the mysteries behind a strange videotape found in rural England. Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett, whose credits include The Onion and The Colbert Report, discovered the tape last year after filmmaker Oscar Harding showed it to them backstage at a show in Milwaukee. They’ve kept the video and the documentary project a secret until now. A Kickstarter for “A Life On The Farm” launches today at

Oscar Harding’s grandfather passed away in the rural country of Somerset, England a decade ago. Amongst his possessions was a video tape from one of his neighbors, an eccentric farmer named Charles Carson. Self-shooting, editing and scoring everything manually, Charles’ home movie is hilarious, imaginative and downright weird. Highlights include:

? A skeleton drag race

? A rendition of Scotland The Brave performed on pieces of tractor machinery

? A close-up look at a cow placenta

Filmmaking wasn’t Charles’ only talent - there’s a real argument to be made that he was an early pioneer of the Death Positivity Movement and the inventor of the “selfie”. He’s a great undiscovered outsider artist and it’s time his story was told. Desperate to learn more about the man and his movies, Oscar embarked on a years-long journey that’s been full of twists and turns. There’s far more to Charles’ story than his videos reveal.

A Life On The Farm is an exploration and celebration of Charles Carson and his movies, which present a moving and laugh-out-loud document of a time and place in danger of being lost to history. The Kickstarter lets people get involved in the film, with rewards including digital and VHS versions of the finished movie, and a private virtual screening with Joe and Nick from the Found Footage Festival.

To set up an interview with the producers or the director, and for additional clips from the home movie, contact Nick Prueher at

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