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Voi Scooters

Bristol is a city that is eco-conscious and so it’s no wonder that it’s part of a pilot program to allow electric scooters into the city. This article will show you how to use them and address the issues of e-scooter legality and the public’s reaction to them!

Voi Scooters!

Bristol is a city that is eco-conscious and so it’s no wonder that it’s part of a pilot program to allow electric scooters into the city. You’ve probably seen Voi scooters around, but do you know how to use them? And did you know they are the only legal ones in the country? This article will show you how to use them and address the issues of e-scooter legality and the public’s reaction to them!

How do they work?

To use Voi you must be over the age of 18 and hold a provisional or full license! You must download the Voi app and fill in your info. Once on the app you can see all the Voi scooters nearby, you go over to it scan the QR code and start your ride! Once you choose a scooter and scan the QR code you must push with your foot a few times and then push the throttle to go!

There are certain places you cannot use you Voi and they are marked clearly on the app which you can have open and attached in the phone holder on the scooter which is designed specifically for navigation. You must end your ride in the app also and park the scooter responsibly.

You must ride only on the roads and not on the pavement. And when your done you can park them in a designated parking zone! They prove to be very handy for people getting about around town especially up Park Street!

It cost £1 to unlock the scooters and £0.20 per minute of use thereafter! Meaning ten minutes of use will cost you a total of £3. Voi also have daily and monthly subscriptions for those who want to use it more often and with the daily cost being only £5 it is the same price as a day long bus pass!

E-Scooter legality and comparability to Bicycles

All other privately owned e-scooters are only legal to use on private property! Which means the many people who choose to use them are acting against the law! Does that seem fair to you? What are your opinions on this?

Of course, there is the issue of insurance as privately owned e-scooters aren’t insured to be used outside of private property. Thus, if a person on a privately owned scooter hits someone, who is liable? The counter argument to this is that the same rules do not apply to bicycles which travel faster and can be much more dangerous than scooters!

This has proven to be a point of contention among people and we would love to hear your opinion on this issue!

How is the public responding to them?

  • Some people are loving it and others not so much. Some riders use the scooters on the pavement and others park them in inconvenient places blocking the public footpath.
  • One student complained about the scooter slowing down in busy areas saying it was completely unnecessary and frustrating!
  • It’s better because I don’t have to wait for a bus and that makes it so much more useful to me’ said one person we asked in Bristol City Centre!

Interesting Facts about Voi!

  • The Voi scooters are quieter than any other road vehicles, so quiet in fact that Voi had to change that so the scooters would hum to help blind people to identify where they may be!
  • The scooters are classified as motorised vehicles and require a full or provisional driving license and although not mandatory, helmets are highly recommended for the safety of users.
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