Longleat Bat Cave (Leaderboard Ad)

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Your Total Guide To lifestyle

Retain Healthcare (Lifestyle Sponsor)

Indoor Fitness

Whatever the weather, keep fit with our handy indoor exercises.

Indoor exercise circuit - Complete15-20 repetitions or 30 seconds on each exercise and follow the circuit 2-3 times.

Squats – bend from the hips, maintaining a straight back and keeping weight through heels. Lower until knees at reach 90° and push up, again through your heels without bending your back. Keep heading facing forwards.

Press-ups – Keep body straight (no sagging) and have hands under shoulders. Lower until arms reach 90°. If a full body press-up is too difficult to complete the desired number of reps, then rest on knees rather than toes.

Alternating lunges – Feet shoulder-width apart, step forward into lunge. Both knees reach 90° position before pushing back to standing position and repeat with alternate leg.

Tricep dips – Sit on floor with back to chair (bench/bed-frame etc.). Place hands on chair with fingers pointing forwards. Lift body from floor and straighten legs so only heels are on floor. Bend elbows to lower body toward floor until arms are at 90° and then straighten arms to lift body away from floor. Bend legs and bring feet closer to chair if straight legged is too difficult to complete the desired number of reps.

Knee thrusts – In press-up position, drive a knee forward towards arm, keeping foot off floor until it returns to its starting position. Alternate knees with rhythm and pace.

Burpee – In press-up position, thrust both knees forward to bring feet under body (i.e. squat thrust) and jump up with arms reaching up and out (star jump). Return to press-up position and repeat.

Bridge – Lie on back with knees bent and feet on floor. Lift pelvis from floor to bring hips and knees in line with shoulders. Hold position before slowly lowering to starting position and repeat.

Single leg bridge – Lie on back with knees bent and feet on floor. Lift one foot and straighten leg. Lift pelvis from floor to bring hips and knees in line with shoulders. Hold position before slowly lowering to starting position and repeat, alternating legs.

Plank – Pushup position, but resting on forearms rather than hands. Tighten abdominals. Head, back, hips and legs should be in a straight line. Hold this position. (If hips are too high less pressure is applied to the abdominals. If hips are too low there will be added stress to the lower back.)

Side/oblique plank – Lie on side resting on forearm. Raise hips off floor so that ankles, hips shoulders and head are in line. Hold this position.

Alternatively, get your sledge, skis or snowboard and get out and play in the snow - that will get those calories burning!

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