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Secondary School pupils to participate in Bridge Building Challenge

September 2014 will see pupils from secondary schools across the West Country compete to create the longest newspaper bridge, celebrating the 150th birthday of the Clifton Suspension Bridge at At-Bristol.

The challenge is a joint effort between the Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust, At-Bristol and the Architecture Centre, with support from a free educational resource about the physics of bridges, distributed free of charge to schools. Following project work in the classroom, schools will be invited to send their chosen teams to compete in the regional event.

The competition will be following the rules of the original competition to design the Suspension Bridge, with points awarded for strength, cost and design. The challenge will take place on Monday 22nd September- symbolic because it is the date in which the Suspension Bridge was inspected by Sir Stanley Livingstone and members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 150 years earlier.

Chris Booy, Chair of the Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust said “We are proud to be working with At-Bristol and the Architecture Centre on an event that will inspire and encourage Bristol’s young engineers, helping them to understand one of Bristol’s most iconic structures.” 

Schools who wish to take part in the challenge should contact the Visitor Services Manager of the Clifton Suspension Bridge, Laura Hilton, on visitinfo@cliftonbridge.org.uk to request a resource pack.

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