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SEIB Giving Campaign – nominate Jessie May today!

Insurance broker, SEIB, have announced the SEIB Giving Campaign – an incredible £50,000 fund to split amongst 8 nominated charities chosen by you, the public.

But we need your votes to give Jessie May a chance of being in with a chance of winning one of 8 amazing prizes!

The Grants

  • £25,000 to the Winning Charity
  • £10,000 to the First Runner Up
  • £5,000 to the Second Runner Up
  • £4,000 to the Third Runner Up
  • £3,000 to the Fourth Runner Up
  • £3,000 divided into three individual grants of £1,000 each to the Fifth Runners Up

How to nominate Jessie May

To nominate Jessie May today follow the link to the SEIB Giving page on their website and click on the ‘Vote Now’ button.


All you’ll need is our Registered Charity Number: 1086048 – and you’re all set! Please do share with friends and family, as the more nominations we get, we’re one step closer to securing this vital funding.

Nominations close Thursday 28th November 2019.

How your money helps

A Jessie May Nurses costs £30,000 a year, and every penny we get helps our Jessie May Nurses to continue to support our children and families across the South West with a FREE at home care service. Our Jessie May nurses provide:

  • Regular, three-hour respite visits, during which a Jessie May nurse takes over sole care of the terminally ill children, allowing parents and siblings a much-needed break. Our nurses are trained to administer medication and carry our other medical procedures, offer independent time for the terminally ill child to play and relax and provide practical and emotional support for parents.
  • Family support events, to reduce isolation and improve the quality of life for the whole family. We provide free respite activities to give children a range of experiences that others take for granted.
  • End of life care, highly intensive, specialist care at the end of a child’s life, to empower families to give their child the life and death they want for them in the comfort of their own home.
  • Bereavement support is offered to parents from the moment a child is accepted onto the Jessie May caseload, we provide emotional support alongside respite visits and our bereavement support continues for up to five years after a child has died.

Help them to fund a Jessie May Nurse today, and help us to continue supporting families across the South West.

Jessie May Children's Charity Bristol

Jessie May Children's Hospice at Home

Jessie May is a Bristol based charity which provides palliative, end of life and bereavement care for terminally ill children and their families.

35 Old School House, The Kingswood Estate, Britannia Road, Kingswood, Bristol , BS15 8DB

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