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Buying Car Tyres – New Vs Part Worn

Buying new car tyres will always be a difficult task for all motorists. Many of you may think about cutting down extra cost and opting for part-worn tyres. While this idea may work for some, others may face serious consequences. Let us discuss a few pros and cons related to buying either new or part worn car tyres to help you make an informed decision while purchasing tyres:

Part Worn Tyres

Simply put, part-worn tyres are tyres that have already been used by another vehicle. The biggest advantage of buying such tyres is that they cost less than brand new car tyres. Most part worn tyres available in UK are shipped from Germany with a tyre tread of 3mm. In the UK, the minimum tyre tread depth is 1.6mm which means that such tyres can easily be used for quite some time, perfect for thrifty buyers.

Biggest disadvantage associated with purchasing part worn tyres is safety. If someone has removed their car tyres from their vehicle that means that they didn’t consider them to be safe. With tyre tread being less than a brand-new tyre, part-worn tyres offer lesser grip on road especially during wet road conditions. This means lesser traction, increased fuel economy and poor safety. Due to less tyre tread and poor traction, you may have to get your tyres repaired too frequently which would make you spend the money you thought you were saving by buying part worn tyres.

New Car Tyres

The only consequence attached to buying new car tyres is its price. However, the cost of buying quality car tyres is very minimal as compared to the benefits that it offers. With new car tyres you buy safety, increased performance, better gas mileage, improved traction and a better driving experience. It is said by experts that if there is one area of car maintenance in which you shouldn’t scrimp on cost, it should be your tyres – the only part of the entire vehicle that is in contact with the road.

Therefore, instead of looking for cheaper tyres, look for quality! For all our readers, especially the ones living in Basingstoke and nearby areas, we have a recommendation. You can now easily get car tyres delivered to your doorstep! Buy car tyres online in Basingstoke from Headley Tyres. Headley Tyres is a trust-worthy local garage based in Basingstoke that stocks quality car tyres and offer them at the most reasonable prices.

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