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Brightening Blue Monday: Bristol Energy lifts 70 homes out of fuel poverty through WHAM project

Brightening up ‘Blue Monday’, Bristol Energy reveals its £25,000 donation to a Bristol project helped lift 71 households in the city out of fuel poverty, saving residents more than £60,000 through the provision of energy efficiency advice and support.

In 2019, the 100% green electricity and lower carbon gas provider donated £25,000 from its Fuel Good Fund to the CSE’s (Centre of Sustainability) WHAM project.

The CSE has today (Monday 20th January) announced the outcome of Bristol Energy’s donation to WHAM (Warmer Homes Advice and Money); a major city-wide fuel poverty prevention project for low-income households to freely access in-depth and expert support from leading organisations tackling fuel poverty.

Bristol Energy’s funding supported 71 Bristol households as part of the project, exceeding their initial target of supporting 50 households. This brings a return on Bristol Energy’s investment in WHAM at a ratio of 3:1. For every £1 put in it by the energy supplier’s Fuel Good Fund, WHAM has delivered over £3 worth of financial benefits to vulnerable citizens.

As a result of providing energy efficiency advice, from draught proofing to LED bulbs, over £60,000 has been saved or gained for beneficiaries of the Fuel Good Fund.

Lisa Evans, Project Manager at the CSE, said: “Being able to save or gain over £60,000 from this fund has meant that not only are the clients financially in a better situation but often report feeling less anxious and more confident around their energy use and bills.

“Bristol Energy’s Fuel Good Fund donation helped WHAM reach more than 70 people in Bristol who were struggling financially or with cold homes and helped to significantly improve their situation.”

The leading organisations providing the direct support through the project include: CSE, Talking Money, We Care Home Improvements, Citizens Advice and Bristol Energy Network.

As a result of Bristol Energy’s donation, Talking Money received funds to support 10 households with debt advice, while We Care Home Improvements were able to undertake repairs and install small measures in client’s homes and undertake safe and secure checks ensuring that homes are suitable for habitation.

The donation also enabled WHAM to fund an additional caseworker, former Bristol Energy employee Ed Divers, to work on the project for one and half days a week.

Marek Majewicz, Managing Director of Bristol Energy, said: “Many of us associate ‘Blue Monday’ with feeling miserable in the cold and lacking in funds. But for those in fuel poverty, this can be the norm, and without support through projects like WHAM, will really struggle as they choose to ‘heat or eat’. Worryingly, there are currently more than 5 million households in the UK who can’t afford to keep warm in winter at home.

“We’re proud to have helped lift more than 70 households out of fuel poverty through the vital WHAM project – people who were struggling to make ends meet, typically on low incomes, potentially in rising debt, and in many cases, suffering from a number of health issues.

“We set up the Fuel Good Fund in 2018 on a mission to fight fuel poverty, and are pleased to see the significant impact our donation to the WHAM project has made.”

Bristol Energy recently launched its new 100% green electricity and lower carbon gas portfolio of tariffs, largely powered by local wind and solar farms.

Switch to Bristol Energy using the marketing code “FUELGOOD” and we will donate up to £30 to the Fuel Good Fund.

Bristol Energy

100 Temple Street, Bristol, BS1 6AG

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