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Student Study Tips

Chances are, teachers and lecturers will become your worst enemies in the coming months and anything and everything will distract you from your revision.

We know that lots of students struggle with knuckling down and studying, so here are our 13 top tips for making revision that little bit more bearable.

1. Breaks

Take breaks, don’t sit there all day pounding your head against the table, do as long as you feel you are taking things in for then go enjoy yourself for as long as you need to recover.

2. Music

Listen to music whilst you revise, No matter what music you like you will always find something that motivates you to work. Play it as loud or as quite as you need as long as you are taking in what you are learning then it doesn’t matter.

3. Plan

Make a plan, now I know making a revision plan seems like extra unnecessary work, but I feel that being organised relaxes me, knowing what I have to study for each subject and when I need it done by.

4. Keep it Clean

Work in a clean environment, for me if you’re working in a mess your head will be a mess, tidy your workspace before you start and you will already feel you achieve something before you start.

5. Technique

Find the technique that suits you best, if love books and highlighting phrases or words sticks to your mind there is no point sitting on the computer staring at the screen.

6. Energy

Keep your energy levels up, make sure you are drinking and eating throughout the day if you have no energy to study you won’t study, simples.

7. Eliminate Distractions

Don’t get distracted, if you’re someone who will sit on Facebook for hours on end wasting your life away, then de activate your account for a day or get your mum to change your password.

8. Targets

When you’re working set yourself targets or milestones for each subject or point. This will help you reach your goals without getting too overwhelmed with having too much work.

9. Keep Going

Don’t stop half way through a milestone, if you have set yourself targets complete one at a time before stopping, this way you will get a sense of achievement.

10. Reward Yourself

If you complete something well then give yourself a treat go out and buy a bag of sweets and every time you do well have one.

11. Study with Friends

When you're with friends they may something you don’t as they say two heads are always better than one.

12. Test Yourself

If you are watching TV and something related to your subject comes up or if you’re out and about and you see something, ask yourself what do I know about that, and then check if you were right when you get a chance.

13. Keep Calm

Don’t let it get the best of you. If you follow these tips you should have a greater time studying and revising.

Overall don’t give up try and try again till you know it all.

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